
Keep Critters Out: Wildlife Exclusion Services for Your Property

Have unwanted wildlife taken up residence in your home, building, deck, or shed? Our wildlife exclusion services offer a safe and humane solution to keep these animals out and your property protected.

What is Wildlife Exclusion?

Exclusion simply means sealing up any openings that allow wildlife to enter your property. Think of it like building a fort to keep unwanted visitors out! This prevents animals from finding shelter, nesting areas, or easy access to food sources inside your structures.

In New Hampshire and Massachusetts, common critters you might encounter include raccoons, squirrels, bats, and even skunks. These animals can cause damage by chewing wires, leaving droppings, and creating nests in attics or crawl spaces. Exclusion keeps them out and protects your property from these costly and unsanitary problems.

Here’s why exclusion is a great choice for New Hampshire and Massachusetts homeowners:

  • Humane: Exclusion allows us to remove unwanted animals without harming them. This is important because many wildlife species are protected by state regulations.
  • Long-Term Solution: By sealing entry points, you prevent future infestations and the associated damage.
  • Prevents Disease: Wildlife can carry parasites and diseases that pose a health risk to humans and pets. Exclusion helps to minimize this risk.
  • Protects Your Investment: Wildlife infestations can cause significant damage to your property, leading to expensive repairs. Exclusion helps to safeguard your investment.

The Exclusion Process:

Our wildlife exclusion experts will thoroughly inspect your property to identify all potential entry points for wildlife. Common entry points include gaps around chimneys, soffits, rooflines, vents, crawl spaces, and foundation cracks. Once identified, we will seal these openings with exclusion materials like heavy-duty mesh, sheet metal, or specialized flashing. We’ll also ensure any existing animal activity is removed humanely before sealing them out.

This process ensures long-term peace of mind, knowing your property is secure from future wildlife intrusions.